Agile Mindset BootCamps
Liminal space is a threshold, a place of transition. Liminality is where transformation
takes place, if we learn to let it.
ROADMAP: (20 hours) for up to 2 people
Introduction (1 hour)
- Build safe environment and develop your story
Set -up (1 hour)
Define done and FUNdamentals*
*FUNdamentals =core coaching skills + fun that comes from being a coach
BootCamp: (15 total hours in 2 – 4 sessions) Co-create successful strategies for your agile environments
Identify your unique learning objectives to achieve your aspirations
Co-create a plan to guide and track your achievements in liminal space
Build on your strengths, successes and agile mindset to develop your unique coaching strategies
Create new perspectives and insights to enhance the impact of your agile coaching
Inspect and Adapt
Create action plans to effectively and efficiently achieve your desired outcomes
Retrospective (2.5 hours in 2 sessions)
Measure and assess
Create wisdom
Support: (as needed throughout the programme)
Access just-in-time coaching, mentoring and support
Wrap up (.5 hour)
Reflect and rejoice
Helping agile coaches, scrum masters, leads, facilitators and professionals to enhance team members’ success and satisfaction by leveraging their unique awesome coaching capability through conversations, experimentation and rapid learning in a private, customised, time-boxed training programme
Leverage your unique strengths and capability to be a coach in liminal space
Enhance the core skills that underpin your diverse role as an agile professional
Learn simple straegies to co-create trusting relationships
Expand your versatility to support team members to leverage their agile mindsets
Increase your confidence to enhance agile team and individual performance in liminal space
Strategically influence others to develop an agile mindset