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BootCamps For Teams And Organisations

Liminal space is a threshold, a place of transition. Liminality is where transformation

takes place, if we learn to let it.


Maximise each team member’s contribution to the foundations of the team’s success by developing supportive relationships, effective communication patterns and conflict resolution strategies in a customised, facilitated programme.


  • Leverage every team members’ unique strengths and capability to thrive in liminal space

  • Learn simple strategies to co-create trusting relationships

  • Expand each members’ versatility to work with others in liminal space

  • Enhance team resilience and confidence to address conflict and manage change

  • Transform challenges of change into opportunities to improve outcomes for yourself and your team

THE ROADMAP: (15 hours) 12 hours team + 3 hours leader


  • Plan outcomes and process for BootCamp (1 hour: Leaders)


  • Build safe environment and desired outcomes (.5 hour per team member) 


BootCamp: (7 hours)

Maximise every member’s contribution to the foundations of the team’s success

  • Co-create a context of understanding

  • Identify each members’ unique learning objectives to achieve desired aspirations

  • Build on team members’ strengths and successes to leverage their nique contribution

  • Develop team members’ versatility to work with diverse people and processes in liminal space

  • Commit to action to develop individual and team resilence

  • Review to measure and chart progress

Review and Revise: (2 hours in 2 sessions: Leader)

  • Review team progress on commitments

  • Prepare for team Refresh and Revise sessions


Refresh and Revise: (4.5 hours in 2 sessions: Team)

  • Reflect on progress of individual and team commitments

  • Revise commitments

  • Rejoice

Leadership Support: (as needed throughout the programme by Leader)

  • Access just-in-time coaching and support for team leader

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